- Programming
- Programming Language C++
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Computer Architecture
- Operating Systems
- Database Technologies
- JAVA Technologies
- Computer Networks
- Software Engineering
- .NET Technologies
- .NET Technologies (Advanced)
- Computer Graphics
- Introduction to MS Office
- Programming for Mobile Systems
- Internet Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
- IT Project Management
- Operations Research
- Introduction to Parallel Programming
- High Performance Computing
- Mathematical Analysis
- Linear Algebra and Geometry
- Discrete Mathematics
- Graph Theory
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Differential Equations
- Information Theory
- Physics
- Applied Probability Theory
- Mathematical Logic
- Algorithm Analysis
- Computing Mathematics
- Functional Analysis
- Automata and Formal Languages
- Optimization Methods
- Nonclassical Logic
- Russian Language
- Russian Culture
- History of Russia
- Philosophy
- Philosophical Logic
- Sociology
- Economics
- Concepts of Modern Natural Science
- Social and Ethical Issues of IT
- Wealth, Health Safety